
The Dark Hunters vols. 3 & 4 by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Published: September 28, 2010
Published: March 1, 2011

Now that I have finished the first two volumes of the Dark Hunter manga by Sherrilyn Kenyon I only found it fitting that I read the next two. They only did 4 volumes of the manga and with them just the first 2 novels in the series. I think I enjoyed this round of manga better than the first two volumes. That being said Sunshine and Talon are funnier and more lighthearted characters than Kyrian and Amanda. Well as lighthearted as a Dark Hunter can really be.

If you’ve never read the Dark Hunter novels these two are based on book two which is Talon and Sunshine. Talon was sacrificed to the gods to save his village but when they killed his sister he vowed to kill them all. And he did. Now his soul is owned by Artemis and he has because a key component in a plot against his mysterious boss Acheron. Sunshine is the woman who makes him feel again but he knows he needs to keep her at a distance. Not feeling is the key to his Dark Hunter powers but with her he can’t seem to keep them away. Through all of this Mardi Gras is going on and he and his fellow Hunters are just trying to keep the Daimon feeding ground at a minimum.

The mangas were an interesting perspective to this whole world. Talon pretty much looked like I had pictured him but Zarek and Valerius sure as hell didn’t. Also, after reading Styxx, I can’t believe how mean both Acheron and Styxx were to each other and how delusional Artemis was about his private island for eternity. It honestly made me angry to read but that is because I know all of the books after this. Additionally, we see all of these materials that came after the mangas of Simi and she is even on the cover but she never shows up in the mangas. It’s true that she doesn’t show up until book 3 anyway but then they shouldn’t have all of the publicity for her with them. But I suppose that is neither here nor there. I’m glad I read these mangas because I’ve read everything else that she has put out so it’s really about time that I’ve read the mangas. Now I do want to reread the whole series though. Maybe one day soon. If there stopped being so many good other books out to read.

—“This is creepy. You know, like bad 50’s B-Movie creepy. ‘Hey Ash, you can’t to suck my blud?'” -Fang to Acheron—

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